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Reports of Interest - Impacts of COVID‐19

Centre for Social Impact, Hui E! Community Aotearoa, Philanthropy New Zealand, and Volunteering New Zealand —

A survey of Aotearoa New Zealand’s community sector on the impacts of COVID‐19.

The impacts of COVID-19 on business, employment and the economy are well-publicised. The impact on the tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector has been equally felt and is now well documented. 

This report details the findings of a survey of Aotearoa New Zealand’s tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector in May-June 2020 on the impacts of COVID-19 (as recorded in Levels 2 and 1 of lockdown).

We encouraged a wide number of our Otago community groups to participate in this survey. Across the country there was a tremendous response rate. We encourage you to now  learn about the survey results. 

The research is a partnership between the Centre for Social Impact, Hui E! Community Aotearoa, Philanthropy New Zealand, and Volunteering New Zealand.

It is hoped that this research will help lead confident, collective, well informed discussions around recovery and re-imagining the future state of a community and a sector that is well, flourishing and thriving.
