Otago Community Trust - May eNewsletter 2022

In this issue

Tēnā koutou Otago - Welcome to our May eNewsletter. 

Inside you will find information on:

  • Information on our new Tamariki & Rangatahi Strategy and Impact for Tamariki & Rangatahi Fund that is now open;
  • Insight into our new strategic plan and what it means for our communities;
  • Who and what we funded in our March and April grants round for 2022;
  • A number of grantee stories covering projects that the Otago Community Trust has recently supported.
  • Links to useful resources supporting the Not for Profit sector.

As always, we encourage community organisations to contact the trust if they have any questions around funding support, funding timelines or how to apply for a grant - call us on 0800 10 12 40 or email info@oct.org.nz.
