Communicating with the University
Distance Learning - December 31, 2023
Student Email
The University communicates with you primarily through your student email address. You can also forward your student email to a personal account. Details about Student Email can be found here, and details about forwarding can be found here.
It is important that you check your email regularly!
This email address is used to communicate with you by:
Student Administration
your lecturers
the Library
Blackboard/Moodle (if your paper uses it)
it is also used for printing (see below)
Passwords and PINs
In addition to your username, you will also be assigned:
A password (to access online services such as eVision, Blackboard)
A four-digit PIN (for University building access, including access to Dunedin campus computer labs, using your ID card)
Change your Password
This password should be changed to a combination of letters and numbers that are secure (eight or more characters is ideal). You can change your password in eVision under Change Password.
Your new password will apply to all online services: Internet access, student email, online library resources, Blackboard, the University Podcast website, and on-campus student computers.
Printing via Email using @Print
Learn how to print via email from your device using @Print here.
You can pick the job up from any of the UniPrint printers around the Dunedin campus. There is a similar email address for printing on our Wellington, Christchurch, Invercargill and Auckland campuses.
Printing is one of the many reasons why your student email account is so important when you are on any of our campuses.
eVision Student Management System
eVision is the name of the student administration system. To access eVision, go to: eVision. You will have already used eVision when enrolling.
From your eVision portal you can also access the following:
Student webmail