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Photo by Distance Learning

Designing game-based quizzes for self-directed learning

Distance Learning —

A good practice during online learning is to provide students with ways of assessing how well they have understood the online materials that were assigned to them. This workshop explores how game-based quizzes can be developed with Quizlet (https://quizlet.com/) and Kahoot (https://kahoot.com/) to provide students with alternative ways of testing their understanding outside of Blackboard and Moodle quizzes.

The workshop will be presented via Zoom.

Date: Friday 7 August

Time: 1.00-2.00pm

Zoom link: https://otago.zoom.us/j/9593929215?pwd=V0RFMDBWb1Y5Sm1nMmgwb3NVejJOUT09

To register go to https://corpapp.otago.ac.nz/training/hedc/course/13334/course/0/

The workshop will be facilitated by

Associate Professor Joyce Koh, Higher Education Development Centre