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Photo by Distance Learning

Inside Charmaine's Lockdown Bubble

Distance Learning —

So many great ways to keep positive!

I've found it really difficult during lock down particularly with my declining mental health. When I'm having a bad run I usually spend time with my friends, get glammed and go for a drink or go for a drive blasting music with my besties. Unfortunately all these things haven't been possible during this time, so like everyone else, I've had to be creative. I've had scheduled happy hour Facetime dates with my friends, have exercised twice a day with my cousins doing the Sarah's day eight week challenge, gone on daily walks to either see the sunrise or sunset and binge watched vampire diaries around the clock. I haven't been very productive with my study but some of my fellow students and I have made a group chat to check in and hype each other up. Lecturers have been beyond supportive and granted extensions where possible as they're very understanding that these are unprecedented circumstances. My work colleagues made a Facebook group to share laughs and I'm now referred to as the TikTok queen for my impersonation of Kath and Kim. My personal trainer has also made a Facebook group and she uploads step challenges, zoom links for sessions and recipes to try. My family and I have been baking, playing board games, having poker nights, and pretend camping in the backyard roasting marshmallows. I've been online shopping, writing a 5 minute graciousness journal daily and taking periods off devices. I think that despite it being hard to adjust to this, there have been so many positive things too. People are spending quality time with their families, cooking meals, being imaginative with their entertainment and having a break from their busy day-to-day lives. It's been a time for self-reflection and goal setting and I think that we will come out of this valuing ourselves and each other so much more. Jacinda is a queen, New Zealanders are fighters and I am so proud of my home.