Social Media - February 14, 2021
Online Videos:
Offline activities attached under 'Attachments' below
1st-apple-poem_TZZMF pdf, 165.98 KB
1st-ball-for-my-dog_TZZMD pdf, 74.21 KB
1st-i-can-do-it-myself_CANDO pdf, 104.25 KB
1st-musical-picnic_MUSIC pdf, 101.65 KB
1st-rainy-day-surprise_RAINS pdf, 161.42 KB
1st-rhyming-game_RGAME pdf, 155.63 KB
2nd-101pets-aunt-lees_TZZWR pdf, 73.33 KB
2nd-another-view_CHLOE pdf, 342.60 KB
2nd-aunt-lees-pets_TZZWN pdf, 72.74 KB
2nd-bedtime-story_BEDTI pdf, 121.56 KB
2nd-blessie-bakes_TZZWD pdf, 146.58 KB
2nd-chicken-and-the-mighty-storm_STORM pdf, 598.86 KB
2nd-cock-a-doodle-snooze_ALARM pdf, 430.76 KB
2nd-emmas-new-lunch-box_LUNCH pdf, 153.17 KB
2nd-grandpa-missing-sock_SOCKS pdf, 173.19 KB
2nd-hayleys-new-coat_HAYLE pdf, 234.94 KB
2nd-hunt-for-gold_GHUNT pdf, 202.21 KB
2nd-kitten-play_KITTE pdf, 112.55 KB
2nd-mia-max-and-the-missing-earring_BOOTS pdf, 473.82 KB
2nd-noisy-silence_NOISY pdf, 225.07 KB
2nd-pictures-in-the-clouds_CLOUD pdf, 325.15 KB
2nd-planetrip_TZZTZ pdf, 188.64 KB
2nd-sammys-day-in-the-cayman-islands_ISLAN pdf, 246.07 KB
2nd-snow-flowers_SNOWF pdf, 126.65 KB
2nd-sock-puppet_TZZWQ pdf, 87.15 KB
2nd-spider-web_TZZWB pdf, 100.38 KB
2nd-superjoey_TZZTW pdf, 72.56 KB
2nd-taylors-prize_CORND pdf, 112.83 KB
2nd-treasure_TZZWT pdf, 65.53 KB
3rd-a-walk-through-the-rainforest_FORES pdf, 395.17 KB
3rd-adventures-of-crazy-cat_CRAZE pdf, 250.03 KB
3rd-annas-diary_WBBRN pdf, 92.51 KB
3rd-backyard-visitor_C pdf, 123.87 KB
3rd-bens-loose-tooth_WBBMD pdf, 106.20 KB
3rd-birthday-treat_WBBMR pdf, 135.89 KB
3rd-brotherly-love_BRLOV pdf, 151.72 KB
3rd-carnival-fever_WBBNQ pdf, 99.25 KB
3rd-closet-creature_WBBQW pdf, 133.99 KB
3rd-custodian-surprise_WBBMM pdf, 87.41 KB
3rd-dragons_WBBRD pdf, 103.39 KB
3rd-erins-clover_WBBTF pdf, 143.11 KB
3rd-foul-ball_WBBNM pdf, 161.10 KB
3rd-friday-13th_BKCAT pdf, 94.71 KB
3rd-friday-night-games_GAMES pdf, 140.45 KB
3rd-friendly-sports_SPORT pdf, 137.48 KB
3rd-friends_across_miles_LONBV pdf, 184.30 KB
3rd-friends-helping-friends_HELPI pdf, 126.18 KB
3rd-garden-for-one_GFONE pdf, 166.51 KB
3rd-glasses_WBBMN pdf, 93.73 KB
3rd-grandma-to-all_WBBNT pdf, 123.34 KB
3rd-haunted-tree_WBBMQ pdf, 78.37 KB
3rd-how-to-pet-a-dolphin_FLIPP pdf, 380.46 KB
3rd-interview-grandma_GRAMS pdf, 113.99 KB
3rd-jezzabelles-old-school_HANNA pdf, 462.07 KB
3rd-just-be-patient_PATIE pdf, 177.17 KB
3rd-kids-best-friend_WBBRQ pdf, 99.03 KB
3rd-leaf-races_RACES pdf, 119.76 KB
3rd-lunch-surprise_WBBNN pdf, 89.06 KB
3rd-making-fun_BOUNC pdf, 177.74 KB
3rd-math-problems_WBBNB pdf, 111.94 KB
3rd-mini-vacation_MINIV pdf, 134.35 KB
3rd-natures-rainbow_RAINB pdf, 155.52 KB
3rd-new-neighbors_NEIGH pdf, 132.43 KB
3rd-playground_WBBNZ pdf, 176.41 KB
3rd-pool-party_WBBRM pdf, 167.24 KB
3rd-rainy-day-fun_RAINY pdf, 174.59 KB
3rd-rulers-and-droolers_RULER pdf, 124.76 KB
3rd-scarecrow_WBBTB pdf, 162.21 KB
3rd-second-best_ACTRE pdf, 274.58 KB
3rd-shark-teeth_WBBMZ pdf, 215.21 KB
3rd-shh-it-is-a-secret_SHHHS pdf, 263.67 KB
3rd-sleepover_WBBRZ pdf, 119.05 KB
3rd-snow-dance_WBBMW pdf, 95.39 KB
3rd-someplace-special_WBBNW pdf, 244.78 KB
3rd-strangestar_WBBMF pdf, 93.55 KB
3rd-super-robotoman_WBBRB pdf, 192.69 KB
3rd-swing-set-time-machine_WBBRW pdf, 158.21 KB
3rd-teacher-trouble_WBBRF pdf, 75.81 KB
3rd-the-luck-of-the-owl_LOWLS pdf, 709.08 KB
3rd-the-perfect-camping-trip_TTRDE pdf, 276.88 KB
3rd-time-capsule_WBBQZ pdf, 193.34 KB
3rd-to-the-rescue_WBBNR pdf, 82.15 KB
3rd-tomorrow_WBBTD pdf, 142.50 KB
3rd-unlucky_LUCKY pdf, 175.70 KB
3rd-video-game-mania_WBBRR pdf, 138.18 KB
3rd-weathering-the-storm_WBBZW pdf, 188.59 KB
3rd-whos-on-first_BASEB pdf, 151.13 KB
4th-a-home-for-kitty_KITTY pdf, 147.81 KB
4th-a-monster-out-of-a-molehill_MOLES pdf, 384.55 KB
4th-a-pride-of-lions_TREES pdf, 347.60 KB
4th-alligator-snapping-turtles_SNAPT pdf, 168.34 KB
4th-bear-and-hare-warm-up_AFRAI pdf, 287.78 KB
4th-boa-python_WBDWB pdf, 861.70 KB
4th-carnivores-herbivores_WBDZM pdf, 270.39 KB
4th-chew-on-these-bubble-gum-facts_BUBBA pdf, 222.99 KB
4th-class-pictures_WBDQB pdf, 363.60 KB
4th-constellations_WBDTF pdf, 105.72 KB
4th-dandelions_WBDWQ pdf, 158.00 KB
4th-desert-cottontails_WBDTM pdf, 54.24 KB
4th-electric-eels_SHOCK pdf, 181.89 KB
4th-everest_WBDTB pdf, 115.41 KB
4th-fennec-fox_WDFMZ pdf, 94.35 KB
4th-fish-with-a-stinging-tail_STING pdf, 691.72 KB
4th-flightlessbirds_WBDTN pdf, 143.57 KB
4th-frankensteinface_WBDQF pdf, 83.87 KB
4th-frogs-toads_WBDZD pdf, 102.84 KB
4th-grasshoppers_WBDWZ pdf, 91.51 KB
4th-hedgehogs_WBDZR pdf, 192.35 KB
4th-iguanas_WBDZT pdf, 67.97 KB
4th-mermaids_WBDWR pdf, 80.14 KB
4th-new-puppy_PDAZE pdf, 125.23 KB
4th-nocturnal_WBDTT pdf, 135.28 KB
4th-pillbugs_WBDRW pdf, 369.67 KB
4th-polar-bears_WBDTR pdf, 106.84 KB
4th-popcorn-history_WBDTD pdf, 149.00 KB
4th-porcupine_WBDTZ pdf, 107.40 KB
4th-recycling_IMPOR pdf, 377.47 KB
4th-running_WBDRZ pdf, 92.91 KB
4th-sharks_AREAW pdf, 612.34 KB
4th-skeleton-key_WBDFZ pdf, 109.30 KB
4th-snow-elephants_WMMQD pdf, 85.14 KB
4th-stink-bugs_WBDTQ pdf, 123.24 KB
4th-tarantula_WBDWN pdf, 102.75 KB
4th-teddy-bear_WBDZB pdf, 225.98 KB
4th-the-big-ostrich_HATCH pdf, 524.92 KB
4th-the-dog-and-his-reflection_RASCA pdf, 453.15 KB
4th-walnuts_WBDZF pdf, 89.67 KB
4th-wetlands_WBDWT pdf, 253.44 KB
4th-whats-the-deal-with-mold_MOLDY pdf, 917.20 KB
4th-why-leaves-change-color_LEAFY pdf, 697.90 KB
4th-worlds-largest-fish_WHARK pdf, 874.59 KB
5th-american-bison_ISONB pdf, 438.49 KB
5th-brown-bears_KODIA pdf, 1171.50 KB
5th-dwarf-planets_WBFQQ pdf, 90.95 KB
5th-elephant-seals_WBFQR pdf, 94.99 KB
5th-giant-pandas_CHINA pdf, 199.02 KB
5th-greatwhitesharks_WBFFN pdf, 80.08 KB
5th-greek-gods_WBFQN pdf, 135.13 KB
5th-heroes-in-the-sky_VHERO pdf, 145.32 KB
5th-hiddentreasure_WBFNB pdf, 108.97 KB
5th-howler-monkeys_HOWLR pdf, 159.55 KB
5th-hurricanes_WBFFR pdf, 511.29 KB
5th-jaguars_WBFQM pdf, 146.88 KB
5th-jane-addams_WBFRM pdf, 69.67 KB
5th-killer-algae_WBFFW pdf, 149.14 KB
5th-ladybugs_WBFQF pdf, 102.45 KB
5th-lizard-with-a-blue-tongue_YHWQA pdf, 126.49 KB
5th-pony-mark_WBFNQ pdf, 75.69 KB
5th-rabbits-and-hares_BUNNY pdf, 176.25 KB
5th-red-pandas_NANAS pdf, 218.50 KB
5th-scorpions_STING pdf, 322.32 KB
5th-seahorse_WBFFT pdf, 75.87 KB
5th-the-amazingly-adapted-arctic-fox_FOXES pdf, 398.06 KB
5th-the-magic-of-rainbows_LIGHT pdf, 176.74 KB
5th-the-most-wonderful-answer-of-all_FAIRY pdf, 820.24 KB
5th-the-worlds-largest-deer_MOOSE pdf, 144.51 KB
5th-tiger-talk_TIGER pdf, 234.14 KB
5th-wailing-well_WBFNF pdf, 155.28 KB
5th-what-is-a-wombat_AUSSI pdf, 357.36 KB
5th-wolves-true-wilderness-animals_HOWLS pdf, 333.50 KB
Australian minibeasts pdf, 2662.09 KB
Comic book superheros pdf, 6512.65 KB
Fidget spinners pdf, 1114.53 KB
Jack and the beanstalk pdf, 3974.72 KB
Motee and Biley pdf, 1989.11 KB
The emperors new clothes pdf, 499.80 KB