Rose Neal — Nov 20, 2023

I hope you all had an enjoyable summer break, it was certainly nice to have some sunny weather.

I would like to extend a very warm welcome to everyone returning to OVS and a special welcome to all new children and their families. We are very excited about the new year and the things we have planned. Term 1 is always one of our busiest terms of the year so make sure you read our notices on Hero, and check the school calendar so you know what is happening and when. 

You will notice that we have most of our field back for use, after 3 years of having a very small field, while the work on our new classroom block, Te Hononga, was completed. The field needs some remediation work, but can still be used by our children at break times, which is great. 

We are extending the outdoor learning spaces at the back of Pods 1 &2, and when this work is completed it will allow teachers to utilise the outdoor spaces, and for children to be safe as the outdoor spaces will be fenced.