Rose Neal — Feb 15, 2024

This month we are farewelling some staff and welcoming new staff to OVS.

Hilary Ford, our Office Manager is leaving us after 14 years at OVS. Hilary has been the 'face' of the school office for many years, and then as her role increased to take on more financial responsibilities, she was busy in her office managing accounts and payroll. She has always supported school events and activities such as family picnics and our fundraising events. She enjoyed organising staff and school events and we are all going to miss her. We all wish her the very best in her new venture. Hilary's last day with us is Friday 8 March. 

I am very happy to welcome Mrs Fathima Juthan as our new Office Manager. Fathima is a parent of children at our school and has years of experience leading people and managing an office. 

Matt Killen who teaches in Rm 18 this year is leaving us at the end of the term to return home to the UK. Matt has initiated several sporting activities and events in the school and the children and staff are going to miss his sense of humour!

We have appointed Mrs Cathie Wharemate to take over teaching in Rm 18. Cathie lives locally and is an experienced teacher who brings many skills to the OVS community. Cathie will spend a day at school this term getting to know the children and how we do things here.

Rosy Oh, who is teaching in Rm 1 is heading overseas on her OE and leaves us at the end of Term 1 as well. We wish her all the best in her overseas travel. We are finalising her replacement and the parents of children in Room 1 will be advised when this is confirmed. 

I am happy to welcome back Mrs Denise Scouller who will work in the Office on Tuesdays and Thursdays when Serene Chua is back at university completing her study. This does mean that we will not have a Mandarin speaker in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays