Hero photograph
Photo by Hilary Ford

Pick Up/Drop Off Zones/Kea Crossing

Hilary Ford —

To ensure the safety of children and adults coming to and leaving our school we have some very important rules about parking, dropping off and picking up your child.

Our school driveway is closed for all vehicles, except staff and business vehicles, such as couriers, throughout the day. If you are dropping off or picking up your child you need to find a car park on one of the adjoining roads around the school and walk down to the school gate.

 If you are dropping off/picking up your child from SKIDs before or after school you need to do the same- please do not drive down the Fields Parade drive either before or after school. This is the exit for staff and business vehicles only. 

We have a Kea Crossing outside the Fields Parade gates and Year 6 children are trained to be Kea Crossing monitors by the local Police Education Officer. They are in action every morning before school from 8.30—8.50 a.m. and after school from 2.45—3.05 p.m. Please make sure you cross on the crossing and follow the instructions of the Crossing monitors. Our children are very good at using the crossing correctly. Unfortunately, many of our parents/caregivers/family members are not good role models and cross anywhere on the road or do not follow the crossing rules. Please be a good role model at all times. 

We need parents to monitor and supervise our Kea Crossing before school each morning and after school, as teachers are busy getting organised for the day and have staff and team meetings. Mrs Hsin-yi Yang is our teacher in charge of the Kea Crossing and she would love to hear from you if you can help out, even if it is only one morning a week or fortnight. You can contact Hsin-Yi by emailing her: hsiniy@oteha.school.nz