Hero photograph
bike to school
Photo by Rose Neal

Travelling to School

Rose Neal —

We are a Travelwise School and want to encourage children to walk, bike, or scooter to school to help reduce traffic around our school.

The walkway to Canyon Drive is now open again, after being closed for 3 years while our new classroom block was being constructed. Children can walk to school, and leave via that walkway. 

The pedestrian entrance from Medallion Drive is also open so children can walk, bike, scooter through that entrance as well. There is no vehicular access from Medallion Drive.

If you allow your child to bike, or scooter to school they need to wear a helmet. E scooters are not recommended for children under 12 years, so children are asked not to bring these to school.

Children must get off their bike or scooter at the school gate and walk it to the designated bike and scooter racks. There are some outside Pod 4, and some by the hall.