Hilary Ford — Nov 21, 2023

We appreciate how difficult it can be to budget for school activities and we want to be able to give you plenty of notice about any trips or activities your child's class go on.

All children enjoyed the dance lessons they received from Dance Curriculum, and once again we are having two weeks of dance instruction from a qualified and experienced dance teacher from Dance Curriculum. Children, staff, and parents have all enjoyed participating in these lessons and we look forward to seeing everyone learning some new dances in Term 4. The school receives some money from the Ministry of Education for Kiwisport, which enables us to subsidise the cost of Dance to parents to $20 per child. 

Swimming– In past years all our Year 2-6 children attended swimming lessons for a two-week block at a swimming pool, as our school does not have one. A number of years ago, the children attended lessons at Northern Arena, and teachers and children found these to be very well run and the swim teachers were very good. Unfortunately, increasing bus costs and limited pool availability meant we stopped these lessons.  

Last year we managed to book our Year 3&4 children only, into a series of 6 lessons at Millennium Pool, and we have managed to do the same in Term 2 in 2024. These lessons are going to be an introduction to swimming for children who are unable to swim and a bit of extra coaching and tuition for those children who can already swim. The cost of swimming is to be confirmed. 

All classes will have at least one  EOTC (Education Outside the Classroom) trip this year. This may be a trip related to something they are learning about, as well as something that provides a physical challenge for children. Teachers will let you know when your child's EOTC activities are and what the cost is. 

Every second year our Year 5 &6 children attend a 3-day camp at Carey Park in Henderson. Children and teachers always enjoy these experiences. Our Year 5 & 6 children went to camp last year, so there is no camp this year.