Hero photograph
Photo by Otumoetai Intermediate Communications

Welcome from the School Board

Otumoetai Intermediate Communications —

Welcome to our new newsletter making it easier to filter and read based on your interests.

Welcome to our new newsletter making it easier to filter and read based on your interests. The Board felt that it was time to review the way we communicated with our community. We reached out to you all via survey and the feedback was invaluable for us to be able to create communication channels that reflected what you wanted to read and how you wanted to receive this information

The Board would like to thank one of our teachers, Nicole Smart for taking the lead role as our Communications Co-ordinator. Managing this project with Henk Popping has been greatly appreciated and we look forward to seeing your great work continue.

We hope this newsletter is easier to read, provides the information you want to know and allows the school to continue to share our informative and good news stories. You’ll hear from many contributors providing many views on the activities and achievements that the students of Otumoetai Intermediate get up to.

We will also be focusing on our social media communication plan as well so please ensure you like the school page on  Facebook School Facebook Page

As we continue to develop our communication framework, please reach out with constructive feedback, ideas, and thoughts as we are keen to continue to evolve with our community: communications@otuinter.school.nz


Deanna Hinde