Hero photograph
Photo by Otumoetai Intermediate Communications

Room 20 Ngatuhoa Lodge

Otumoetai Intermediate Communications —

Click to read some poems written by our Room 20 students.

The Camp Was Usual Enough

The camp was usual enough; it had
A swing bridge, a river, kayaks, a forest
Surrounding it, and even a mudslide
I never used. My friends, my class and I
Did what kids do - tubed down the cold
Rapids, made mini rafts, abseiled down high
Cliffs, dodged the masked parent in the
Forest without any light,
Had a twerk war, laughed and swam
Doing nothing important.

Takara Smith

The Camp

The camp was usual enough; it had
A lodge, a river, a cliff, a forest
Around it, and even a confidence course
We never used. My mum, my class and I
Did what people do - went kayaking down the big
Canal, made cool mini rafts, dodged the scared
Little mouse, swam like salmon through the fast
River rapids with a tube,
Went abseiling, played games or talked
Doing nothing important.

Lisa-Marie Young

The Camp was Usual Enough:

The camp was usual enough; it had
A jumping hole, a flying fox, a forest, a sky
Over it, and even a basketball hoop
I never used. My friends, the parents and I
Did what campers do - went tubing down the
River, made mini rafts, dodged the holes in between
The rocks, tiptoed down the hallway in
The middle of the night,
Ate a lot, swam and had fun
Doing nothing important.

Emily Brooks

The Camp

The camp was usual enough; it had
A jumping hole, a swimming hole, a creek, a canal
To kayak in, and even a tarzan swing
I never went on. My friends my classmates and I
Did what kids do - sat around talking
During dinner, ate food, played games
On the field, did all the chores
We didn't want to do
Got wet, and laughed
Doing nothing important.

By Georgia Bellamy 

The Camp Was Usual Enough

The camp was usual enough; it had
A canal, a well used dining room, an abseiling wall, a forest
Surrounding it and even a cool confidence course
We never did. My mum, my friends, and I
Did what campers do - played in the cold
River, made a very artistic mini raft, dogged the big
Huhu bugs, screamed like little kids
When jumping into the freezing deep water,
Tubed down rapids, sang or played guitar
Doing nothing important.

Jaime River

The Camp Was Usual Enough:

The camp was usual enough; it had
A river, a lodge, a dam, a rope bridge
That swung, and even a cliff
I jumped down. My class, my friends and I
Did what Room 20 does - sped down the abseiling
Wall, created mini rafts, sailed them down winding
Creeks, crept like possums through the dark
Forest without a torch,
Tubed down rapids, swam or ate
Doing nothing important.


The Camp Was Usual Enough

The camp was usual enough; it had
A creek, a basketball hoop, a swing bridge, a river
To tube down, and even a crocodile pit
I never did. My classmates, friends and I
Did what kids do- gossiped at the wooden
Dinner table, made mini-rafts, dodged the enormous
Huhu bugs, darted like frogs under shelter
To avoid the cold rain,
Played batdown, kayaked or swam
Doing nothing important.

Ari Joe

The Camp Was Usual Enough

The camp was usual enough; it had
A bridge, a canal, a lodge, a sky
Over it , and even a tiny rubber tube
I never went in. My friends, my teacher and I
Did what people do - drank hot milo in
The dining room, made rafts with sticks, dodged the Burma
Trail parents, crept like mice through the dark
Eerie bush wearing some old shoes,
Ate home baking, swam and laughed
Doing nothing important.

Cooper Jefferies

The Camp Was Usual Enough:

The camp was usual enough; it had
An abseiling wall, a flying fox, a swimming hole, a canal
With kayaks in it, and even a diving hole
I used twice. ‘The Coconuts’, my friends and I
Did what Room 20 does - screamed on the
Burma trail, made mini rafts, tried to swim
But sunk instead, dived into the waterhole
While shivering from the cold,
Went down the mudslide, tubed, or kayaked
Doing nothing important.

Chloe Murphy

The Camp Was Usual Enough:

The camp was usual enough; it had
A river, a canal, a drying room, a forest
Surrounding it, and even a crocodile pit
I never went to. My class,my friends and I
Did what campers do - went jumping in the
Waterhole, made mini rafts, dodged the giant
Huhu bugs, swam like fish through the freezing
Water wearing a tight wetsuit,
Tubed down the river, ate and laughed
Doing nothing important.

Ashley Hayson

The Camp Was Usual Enough

The camp was usual enough; it had
Kayaking, abseiling, a forest, a swimming hole
That was freezing, and even tubing
In which I smacked my head. Nick, Aidan, and I
Did what student campers do - got stressed out
Doing the Burma trail, had a massive breakfast, tried to avoid
Bad moods, woke up to games
Of tag at six o’clock in the morning,
Swam in the river, raced miny rafts
Doing nothing important.

By Alexander Cain