Hero photograph
Photo by Otumoetai Intermediate Communications

Te Rā Rēhia Festival 2022

Otumoetai Intermediate Communications —

Click to read more about our amazing day of Kapa Haka at the Te Rā Rēhia Festival

“Tahia te marae, tahia te marae! Ka tatū mai ra e te motu whanui! Tahia te marae!”

Te Rā Rēhia – A day of celebrating kapa haka, connecting through waiata and haka, and performing what students have been learning through the year.

With the inclement weather during the week, we were happy that the sun (Tamanui te ra) came out, and the weather was fine for most of the day.

Ōtūmoetai Intermediate played an integral part during the formal pōhiri process by delivering a whole school haka pōhiri, as well as supporting with waiata and karakia for our speakers. As hosts, our school performed first, and were followed by groups from across the Ōtūmoetai cluster, a total of thirteen groups in all.

Kaumātua(elders), whanau (family), friends, schools, and kohanga were treated to a great day with the vibe being one of whakanuia, whakamana(celebration), and whanaungatanga.

Big mihi go out to tutors who prepared their groups and excited performers about being on the Te Rā Rēhia stage again after a 2 year gap due to covid restrictions.

Acknowledgements also go out to organisers, wardens, staff, caretakers, and behind the scene volunteers, without who this day could not have happened.

Nō reira, kua ea ngā waiata, me te whiua o ngā poi. Kua ea te takariri o ngā haka, me ngā pukana whētero mō Te Rā Rehia i te tau, 2022.

So, the songs have been sung, and the poi have been twirled. The haka have been ground out, and eyes and tongues have been rolled and protruded.

We have, as a community, celebrated and commemorated in song, and haka, Te Rā Rēhia, 2022. Mauri ora ki a tātou!

Ko Ōtūmoe...tai timu! Ko Otūmoe...tai pari! Ha! Ko tēnei Ou tu mo ou tai e! Tahia te marae! Tahia te marae! I au, au, aue ha...

Click on the following link to view more photos:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/GQiNW2T95xM5rZih6