Otumoetai Intermediate Communications — May 7, 2023

Dear parents, caregivers, students and friends of the school. Tena koutou katoa. Ngā mihi nui kia koutou katoa

Although winter is upon us, our school continues to be a vibrant and active place.

Board election voting forms have been mailed out so please complete and return to the school office to make your vote count.

We are constantly looking for continuous improvement and are currently embedding the work done with Learning Matters Ltd in 2021 to enhance the capacity of staff to help students with diverse neurological needs. For further information about this visit: https://www.learningmatters.co.nz/

All classes are having a real focus on student learning and we will be meeting and reporting to you as parents on Thursday 29th June 2023. These conferences will run throughout the whole day from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Meetings will be for 15 minutes to allow the teacher to discuss your child’s learning with you and your child, without being rushed.

We ask that you keep your child at home for the day except to accompany you to school for your learning conversation. The school will be open to supervise any students who do not have alternative care arrangements.

PLEASE NOTE: At any time during the year, you are welcome to make an appointment with your child’s teacher to discuss their learning or pastoral care.

Ngā Mihi Nui

Henk Popping