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Photo by Otumoetai Intermediate Communications

PTA News

Otumoetai Intermediate Communications —

Our next PTA meeting is on Tuesday 13th June 2023 in the school Library at 7:30 pm.

The PTA also held their annual meeting at the beginning of the year and the following executive members were elected:

Chairperson:   Kathie Smith
Secretary:   Sally Park
Treasurer:   Adele Dickinson

Committee Members: Rachel Darmody, Stefanie Franz, Rochelle Friend, Heather Gourley, Catherine Harold, Susanne Rinderknecht, Anisa Samrethnimol, Kirsty Stafford, Henk Popping (Principal) and John Stanley (Deputy Principal).

Involving parents and families in children’s education has been a priority for New Zealand PTA’s since they were founded over 50 years ago. Parent Teacher Associations or friends of the school groups are based on the philosophy:

Parent and family involvement increases student success. There are six recognised types of effective parent involvement in schools world-wide.

They are:

  • Communicating – Communication between home and school is regular, two-way and meaningful.
  • Parenting – Parenting skills are promoted and supported.
  • Student Learning – Parents play an integral role in assisting student learning.
  • Volunteering – Parents are welcome in the school and their support and assistance are sought.
  • School Decision-Making and Advocacy - Parents are full partners in the decisions that affect children and families.
  • Collaborating with the Community - Community resources are used to strengthen schools, families and student learning.

Our children today face a world where the shape of the future is not clear; a world where values, lifestyles, concepts and attitudes are rapidly changing. Therefore, it is essential that parents and teachers work together to help our children grow into adults who can cope with the ever-changing world.

Our Board and Community recognise this and have developed seven strategic goals for the school.

The second school strategic goal “The school will foster the partnership between whanau (families) and school“ is the one where the Ōtūmoetai Intermediate School Parent Teacher Association plays an important role.

The Parent Teacher Association at our school is made up of a committee comprising parents and members of staff whose focus is the achievement of this second school goal. This committee is supported by parents and caregivers who make themselves available to assist in the school when they can as the PTA Support Group.

We would like to thank all those parents who have offered to assist in some way this year.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 13th June 2023 in the school Library at 7:30 pm. The focus for this meeting will be a feedback session on school programmes and future developments.

Other meetings this year are planned for:

  • Tuesday 15th August 2023
  • Tuesday 7th November 2023.