General Information
Below is some useful information about our school, eg astroturf hire, lost property, sickbay, etc.
ID and Class Photographs
Photolife Studios will be taking student ID and Class photographs on Friday 1st March 2024.
Bell Times
- 8:45 am Block 1 and first bell for start of school day
- 8:50 am to 10:40 am Block 1 Lessons start
- 10:40 am to 11:00 am Morning Tea
- 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Block 2 lessons underway
- 12:30 pm to 12:40 pm Lunch eating time in class
- 12:40 pm to 1:25 pm Lunch exercise and toilet break
- 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm Block 3 lessons underway
- 3:00 pm End of school day
Annual Calendar of Events
This has been uploaded to our school website. You will be able to look ahead to key dates throughout the year by hovering your computer mouse over each day highlighted in the monthly calendar.
Astroturf for Hire
Our Astro Turf is available for hire for people from our community. A code is available from the school office for $20.00. Turf hireage is on an annual basis and new codes are issued on 7th February each year at which time the previous code is obsolete.
Lost Property
Could parents/caregivers please ensure all students clothing and sandals/shoes are clearly named, ie names under sandal straps. Use laundry marker or twink to name the back of jumpers, inside of jackets, hats etc. Every endeavour is made to return named items to the student, however, this is impossible if items are not named. Please reinforce that clothing is not to be left on the field or around the school during break times. Parents are able to search for their child’s missing item from 7:45 am – 3:45 pm at the school. Lost property is in a large grey bin located outside the school hall which can be accessed during school hours.
School Sickbay
Please note our school does not have a School Nurse or a Wellness Centre. Our office staff are First Aid trained. If your child is unwell, please keep them at home and inform the school of their absence. If they need regular antihistamine/Panadol medication, please ensure they have a daily supply in their bag.
Applications For Arts Academy Places
A meeting will be called for all interested students where explanatory letters and forms will be given out. This will be followed by auditions where selections will be made.
Sports Academy
A meeting will be held for all eligible students where explanatory letters and forms are given out. Priority for places in the sports academy is given to year 8 students who have been observed during their year 7 sports participation. Student selections will be confirmed over the next few weeks.
Wet Weather After School Arrangements
Please discuss with your child your plan for after school pick up if it is raining as the office phone is for emergency use only. We have many students who are requesting to use the office phone as they don’t know their after-school arrangements on wet days. Traffic is very busy on wet days and a good pick up point is at Carlton Reserve as there is plenty of car parking spaces available and students can walk to Carlton Reserve from behind Rooms 26 to 31.
Personal Items at School
Please do not allow your child to bring jewellery or any other non-essential personal items of value to school as we take no responsibility for valuables left in the classroom. Students with devices are asked to take responsibility for their secure storage in classes or pocket.
Computers and tablet devices are not permitted out in the playground and must be locked away in the classrooms during breaks.
Bike/Scooter Lock Up
All bikes and scooters need to be stored in the lock up cages at each end of the school. They need to be removed from the bike lock up area after school as these lock ups remain open after hours. Bikes and scooters remaining after school may be at risk. As an added security, bikes and scooters should be locked in the cycle racks by the students. The school does not store scooters in classrooms or cloak bays.
Returning of Notices and/or Money
When returning forms or money to the school office, please ensure your child’s full name and room number are included, along with what the payment is for. This includes sports teams and class notices.