Photo by Otumoetai Intermediate Communications
Bike Safety
Travel Safe has provided the following information on bike safety for Intermediate aged children.
- Students biking must wear a standards approved bike helmet.
- All bikes being ridden to school must be road worthy, including working brakes.
- All bikes must be stored in the school bike racks and locked. This is the responsibility of the student.
- Students must walk their bikes in the school grounds.
- Students are not to take their bikes through school carpark or bus bay areas.
- Students biking are to enter/exit bike rack areas via accessways on either side of the school.
- Students biking who use the Windsor Road pedestrian crossing, are to dismount safely before the crossing and walk bikes across to the lock up bay. Students biking who use Ngatai Road are to dismount safely before the pedestrian crossing and walk bikes along the pathway to and from the lock up bay up the hill.
- We recommend that parents/caregivers have an agreed safe bike route to and from school with their child.
- Students biking must obey the laws of the cycle road code.
- Bikers are to give way to pedestrians on shared paths, and ‘share with care’.
- Students must walk their bikes across school crossing points ie. Windsor Road pedestrian crossings and any pedestrian refuges (refuges= designated safe places to cross but are not pedestrian crossings).
- Students are to bike on shared paths where available, ie Ngatai Road.