Hero photograph
Photo by Otumoetai Intermediate Communications

Grandparents Day 2022

Otumoetai Intermediate Communications —

What a tremendous Grandparents Day we had and a real honour to host over 600 grandparents at school for the day. The students and staff were still talking about the wonderful atmosphere and their experiences with grandparents well into this week. We would like to thank all families for their support and, in particular, our PTA parent volunteers who provided the morning tea. To everyone who sent along a plate of food, a big thanks from all of us.

Check out our photos from the day by clicking this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/A9UW8Xd3nn9fVL3XA

Year 8 perspective 

On the 2nd of December, Otumoetai Intermediate hosted our Grandparents Day. Every two years, all the grandparents come to our school with their grandchildren, ready for a day ahead. This year, it was a great success and very enjoyable. Arriving at the entrance, we met with our grandparents and guided them to our home class. Activities such as drawing, dancing, and games were very exciting and created loads of memories. After an hour and a half of quizzes, challenges , and tasks, it was time for morning tea. Gathering in the hall, the grandparents got a variety of food, drinks, and conversation. A treat after morning tea, music, and performing arts academy showcased their talents for the school, impressing all the grandparents. For me, the best part was listening to my grans stories and having a laugh while doing Just Dance with my class. In my opinion, grandparents day was a huge achievement and one of many highlights of the year.

Andrejka Bennett 

Year 7 Perspective 

On Friday the 2nd of December we had our 2022 Grandparent’s Day. We had over 450 visitors come to our school, for this very special occasion.

Over 20 friends, family and whanau came to Room 20 and we had them tell stories about their time when in intermediate. A story told by Mila’s grandad was about getting strapped across the hand for being late into class. Lewis remembers his grandad telling him about when he got the cane for throwing a paper dart and it accidentally hit the Principal! Luckily, corporal punishment has been abolished and we don’t have to deal with that sort of discipline anymore!

After hearing about our grandparents' schooling days, we moved on to a fun activity where we were challenged to create bug costumes. Most grandparents were very involved in the making of these bugly costumes. We all made sure that the grandparents were having fun and we rewarded them with fruit bursts for their hard efforts.

In the second block, children were allowed to lead their grandparents around the tech art blocks. In Food Tech Abbey and her nan were able to get a taste of some delicious pikelets made by the volunteer cooks. There was also music being played by the Music Academy and Mr Williams had his Year 8 students sharing their work - everyone had such a great time looking around our school and loved everything they saw and heard.

The day then ended in the third block, where most grandchildren and their grandparents left for home. We did hear some children saying they had even convinced their grandparents that going home via McDonalds would be a fun way to end their special day!

Mila Page and Abbey Muspratt