Hero photograph
Photo by Kay Logan

Grandparents Day - Friday 2nd December 2022

Otumoetai Intermediate Communications —

After previously successful Grandparents Days, we are pleased to be able to hold our Grandparents Day once again this year on Friday 2nd December 2022. This is an opportunity to experience their grandchild’s class, share in their learning activities and get a feel for activities offered school wide.

What It Will Look Like

8:45 am

School starts

Grandparents invited to join their grandchild’s home class for the first block. The students will be delighted to share what they are doing at school and there will be shared activities for the grandparents and their grandchildren to complete in class.

10:40 am

Morning tea.

This will be provided for grandparents in the hall and marquees. Staff will mix and mingle with grandparents informally. We are asking that all students with grandparents coming, bring a plate of food for their grandparents’ morning tea. They will be asked to bring these to the hall before school.

11:00 am

Friday Academy Programme

Our grandparents will be hosted by the specialist teachers and students from the Academy Programmes.

12:00 pm

Lunch time

Grandparents are able to take their grandchildren away from school for the afternoon with parent’s permission. This opportunity is provided to enable grandparents to spend an enjoyable afternoon with their grandchild.

1:00 pm

School returns to the regular timetable for the rest of the school.