Hero photograph
Photo by Otumoetai Intermediate Communications

Adrenaline Forest Room 23

Otumoetai Intermediate Communications —

Click to read more about Room 23 and their experience at Adrenaline Forest

Fears, scares and bad nightmares: phobia is a word that sums up fears. Acrophobia: the fear of heights, this is definitely one of mine. Sohere is where this horror story begins… Mustered onto a bus, we headed for Adrenalin Forest, wondering what might lay in wait for us. Pulling up on a bumpy gravel road, the trees painted a calming picture - until you spotted the ropes, way, way up high. Trained in equipment that looked super complicated, we climbed the first ladders with grit and determination. Clicking in and out with our safety gear became second nature, and from the harness wedgie, a sense of safety.

Adrenaline forest - what a challenge - me and the ‘bromies’ (bro-homies climbing buddies) came off the third level in need of some refreshments and extra courage before attempting number 6.

“Let's go to number 6”, aka the highest. At the bottom of the ladder looking up to what seemed like the sky, I felt like I died inside. We climbed. I got to the first obstacle–and nope this was not for me– I headed back down. ‘Hasta la vista ‘bromie’. Maybe next time.

After a brief rest and a mental shouting match back and forth in my head, we headed off to number 4. We conquered this challenge.

What was really awesome about the day was seeing everyone try, encourage each other, and celebrate the wins. A range of participants said that it was a bit scary (mainly levels 5 and 6 due to the sway of the trees, the swaying obstacles, and the swaying people at the top of the world). Zip lines– thrilling and edgy–were top of the must do list. These pitted the worry of falling against the whizz of breeze through your hair giving a most excellent adrenalin buzz of freedom.

The worry was all in my head, it was heart pumping fun - heck yea, I’d go back.

Ari Franklin