Hero photograph
The Great Egg Hunt
Photo by Kim Allan

From the Principal's Desk

Kim Allan —

And that is just about a wrap for Term 1!

What a lot we have done in 10 weeks. From the playground opening on day one, camp, whānau meetings, strike action, lots of examples of great behaviour and using our 'golden rule' from all students, sports tournaments, summer sports, triathlon, examples of leadership across the school including 'mini pals', wet weather monitors, a creative dance group, coaching, buddy classrooms, Allen Centre helpers and Student Council initiatives. It's fair to say there is something on offer for everyone at Outram School.

The Great Egg Hunt

Sophie and Mrs Carter set up an egg hunt that the junior school have been enjoying this week. They had to collect parts of words then blend them together. They have had so much fun finding them and learning at the same time. Thank you Sophie!!

Tomorrow we are looking forward to some house fun led by our Student Council. Thank you to Mr Beadle and his team for creating, organising and running this event for the school.

In the second week of the holidays we have the builders starting work on Room 3 and 4 bathrooms and breakout space. Today we relocated Room 3 over to Room 1 and Room 4 over to Room 9. Thank you to Mrs Sinclair and Miss Wilson and their classes for putting up with this upheaval. It will be great to finally have this project completed!

Enjoy your Easter break with the family. Don't forget that school does not restart again until Wednesday 26th April. I look forward to seeing any students and whānau at the Anzac Parade on the 25th April.

Ngā mihi nui
