Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Evans

Years 5-8 Eyre Cluster Football and Hockey Tournament

Julie Evans —

In ideal conditions about 400 tamariki from Oxford, Area, Swannanoa, West Eyreton and View Hill Schools participated in the Eyre Cluster sports event.

Due to the very wet weather prior to the original date 25 June, we postponed to the Friday 2 July with ideal ground conditions and amazing sunshine to run this event for our tamariki. This tournament allows all students to participate and try a new sport to what they usually play. The teams were mixed with low numbers so tamariki are competing each round as rolling subs are used. Mr Lucas from Swannanoa School organised the draw for the hockey section and Mrs Evans did the draw for the football section. In the below zero temperatures before school, Mr Pulley helped Mrs Evans to mark all the playing fields out with cones using all we had. 

At 11:45 am we gathered to be welcomed, to acknowledge the contribution from 20 Year 9/10 students who had offered to referee football or umpire hockey and explained the areas for each event on the show grounds and senior fields. All moved off eagerly to begin their sport at 12 noon under the direction of various teachers. 

Special thanks to Victor Tyson (Year 8 ) who assisted me throughout the afternoon, especially keeping the 15 minute timing for each round and sounding the hooter for the start and end of all six rounds. It was a pleasure to hear the squeals of joy, positive comments to team members and see so many students having fun while being active. Great to see supporters wandering around the sidelines encouraging all participants. Special thanks to all the Oxford staff who assisted in different ways and to the classes who came out to enjoy the atmosphere as well.

A very successful day for all to enjoy.