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Students driving to school

Sharyn Varcoe —

A number of our students at Oxford Area School will have gained their restricted license over the summer holidays giving them some additional freedom and responsibilities.

For some, this may mean that they plan on driving themselves to school. If you have had a conversation with your young person and this is the case, what do you need to know?

Any Oxford Area School student with a restricted license planning on driving to school should collect a form from the school office. This needs to be taken home, signed by both themselves and a parent/caregiver and returned to school by Monday 10th February. The form outlines the school expectations.

The first 6-12 months of driving alone are the most risky and the sad fact is that your young driver is more likely to crash on their restricted licence than at any other time in their life. Information of how you can stay involved in their safety can be found via this link https://www.nzta.govt.nz/safety/driving-safely/young-drivers/restricted-drivers/

Things our students should be familiar with -

To keep you safe while you’re still learning, there are some conditions you must follow while on your restricted licence:

  • Between 5am and 10pm you can drive on your own.
  • Between 10pm and 5am you can only drive if you have a supervisor in the front passenger seat. A supervisor is someone who has held a full driver's licence for a minimum of 2 years.
  • If you’re driving without a supervisor, you can only take a passenger if they are:
    • your spouse or partner (for example the person you live with as if you’re married or in a civil union)
    • a child who is financially dependent on you or your spouse (for example you’re their parent or guardian)
    • your parent or guardian
    • relatives that live with you and are on a social security benefit
    • someone you look after as their primary caregiver
