Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Evans

Rakahuri Zone Swimming Championships

Julie Evans —

What an awesome effort by the 12 Y5-8 Oxford Area School students at the Rakahuri Zone Swimming Championships on Tuesday 16 March.

There was a mixture of excitement, nervousness and competitive spirit amongst the group of 12 swimmers as we left Oxford on Tuesday 16 March at 11:45am to head to Dudley Pool in Rangiora for the start of this event. There was plenty of whānau support with special thanks to Tasha Galway and Di Te Awa who assisted with time keeping along with myself for all competitors across thirteen schools. Several events had 2 or 3 heats so it was timed heats all afternoon which meant our swimmers had to swim as if a final each race they swam. Our swimmers competed across seventeen races starting with our Y8 relay team of Jero Galway, Alexis Graham, George Joyner and Emeric Savry competing together for the fourth year. They maintained their result finishing second to Ashgrove as they have done over the years. We will miss them next year!

The results were:

Melody Savry- Y5 2nd in 50m Freestyle and Breaststroke

Shaylyn Pulley- Y5 3rd in 50m Freestyle and Backstroke

Amelia Smith- Y6 3rd in 50m Freestyle and 6th Backstroke

Ciara Willimas-Y6 5th in 50m Freestyle

Stella Bourgeois-Y6 5th in 50m Breaststroke

Eru Te Awa- Y7 5th in 50m Freestyle and 2nd Breaststroke

Jorja Tizzard-Y7 5th in 50m Freestyle and 1st Breaststroke

Amy Snell- Y7 8th in 50m Freestyle and 5th Backstroke

Emeric Savry- Y8 3rd in 50m Freestyle,2nd Breaststroke and Open Butterfly

Jero Galway-Y8 2nd in 50m Freestyle, 3rd Breaststroke and 2nd Open Butterfly

Alexis Graham- Y8 7th in 50m Backstroke

George Joyner- Y8 10th in 50m Freestyle

We are so proud of the whole team's efforts!

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected for the Rakahuri Zone team to compete at the Canterbury Primary Schools Championships on Thursday 8 April at the Selwyn Aquatic Centre in Rolleston. Unfortunately no spectators are allowed due to being a current construction site: Melody Savry, Eru Te Awa, Jorja Tizzard, Emeric Savry and Jero Galway.