Hero photograph
Photo by Jacqui Paterson

Matariki 2020

Jacqui Paterson —

Oxford Area School will be celebrating Matariki in Weeks 1 and 2 of Term 3.

Students will be involved in activities during Learning Mentor, Homeroom and Whānau Time. 

Matariki is rising during the holidays. If the sky is clear, and you are awake, go out and see if you can find it. Matariki is expected to rise from the 13th to the 20th of July this year. It is best before sunrise (5.30-6.30 am is best). Look to the north-east horizon. If you find the constellation, Tautoru, or Orion's belt (sometimes called 'the pot') it is close to that. 

Photo credit to Stephen Voss, NZ Herald Page