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Schools matter

Mike Hart —

Term 2, Week 7

Kia ora koutou,

As we finish week 7 of this term and prepare for week 8 it is a good time to reflect on the transition from learning from home to learning back here on the school site. The word 'school' sometimes implies a site, a building, infrastructure but we know school is so much more than buildings. It is the people - the students, staff, the school community of student families and friends. It is represented in the teaching and learning that is taking place. The learning is far bigger than subject areas as it encompasses social, emotional, cultural, intellectual and physical development. 

So why school?

A school is a meeting place, a place where people from different backgrounds, cultures and viewpoints converge on a daily basis. We create dreams, we provide a wide range of learning experiences, we inspire, we work in collaboration with families to build character to name but a few. Those essential skills are developed, nurtured and practised regularly in schools. There is little coincidence that these same key skills and attributes are what employers are looking for https://www.careers.govt.nz/plan-your-career/get-ideas-for-your-career/skills-employers-are-looking-for/

Enjoy the long weekend.

Ngā mihi,

Mike Hart,
Oxford Area School