Hero photograph
Photo by Anthea Anderson

Oxford Area School's PTA - AGM - 10 June


Our PTA's Annual General Meeting is to be held on Thursday 10 June in the School's Staff Room, commencing at 7.30 pm. This is a public meeting so everyone is welcome.

Come along and find out what we are all about, hear about what we've been up to and what our fundraising efforts have helped to provide for our school and students.

If you are interested in perhaps joining the PTA, come and have an informal chat with committee members.

Positions to be filled are:  Treasurer and Secretary

Please give some thought to joining our PTA - it is a small but hard working group of parents.  If we don't increase our members, we run the risk of not being able to undertake some of the bigger fundraisers which provide very important revenue for the school and our students.