Hero photograph
Photo by Tanya Wells

Years 1-8 Cross Country

Tanya Wells —

This year we will hold two different Cross Country events on different dates. The Year 3-8s can choose to enter the Competitive Cross Country and/or the Obstacle Course Cross Country. Year 1 and 2 students will enter the Obstacle Course Cross Country.

Competitive Cross Country Years 3-8

This will be held on Wednesday 10th May (postponement Friday 12th May), 12:20pm start in the showgrounds and part of Pearson Park. From this we will select our top runners to compete in the Eyre Cluster Cross Country, 18th May at the Cust Domain. Place getters who run faster than the qualifying times will then be selected to run at the Rakahuri Cross Country in Rangiora on 30th May 2023. 

Obstacle Course Cross Country Years 1-8

This event will be held on Tuesday 23rd May in the showgrounds and will start at 1:30pm. This is a fun event where all students compete in teams and participate in a range of different activities.

We would like to invite whanau and friends to both events.