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Year 1-6 Beginning of the 2020 School Year

Jacqui Paterson —

Just a reminder of what you need, and need to know, for the first few days of Term

The first school day of 2020 will be Wednesday, 29th of January 2020.

Your child will need:

- Swimming togs from Thursday the 30th of January (Day 2) as swimming starts for classes that week. Swimming timetables specific to your child's homeroom will be shared in the first week. The first classes are going on Thursday so be prepared in case it is their class. 

- Their sunhat, which they need for all of Term 1.

- Stationery which you can order from myschool.co.nz Just follow the instructions!

- Please name all of their uniform items, including hats. If they are unnamed they are difficult to get back if they are misplaced. Please name swimming togs and towels also.

- Fruit for fruit break and plenty of food because students are usually quite hungry after the holidays and during the swimming season. 

- A water bottle. Remember fizzy drinks are not allowed at school. 

We hope you have had a lovely break and we look forward to seeing you.