Accessible version
by Anthea Anderson

Order your Calendar Art today

OAS PTA - September 30, 2021

Get your students Art work on a Calendar, Card, Diary, Sketch pad or Mouse mat.

Year 1-8 students have been busily working on art work that you can have made into Calendars, Cards, Diaries, Sketch pads and even Mouse mats.

You also have the option to upload a digital picture and have this made into one of these products instead, which means this is an option for our older students who haven't created artwork as well.

To upload a digital picture head to and use the code KZ377


  • Calendars - $10
  • Cards (pack of 8) - $10
  • Diaries - $14
  • Mouse Mat - $13
  • Sketch Pads - $12

Paper order forms were sent home this week but we would prefer this year that you make your orders online using this form -

Then please deposit payment into the PTA Bank Account - 38 9002 0821882 00

Orders are due in by the end of the first week next term - Friday, 22nd October.

Your support is appreciated