Hero photograph
Photo by Bailey Pike and Zara Frahm

Shave for a Cure Success

Sharyn Varcoe —

Oxford Area School and whānau have raised $5,744.81 towards supporting families with a loved one with leukaemia and blood cancer.

A little over five weeks ago Liam Bamford, a Year 12 student approached our leadership team with a request "I'd like to organise Shave For A Cure at Oxford Area School, what do I need to do?"
Our student leaders stepped up with ideas, promoted it through our social media channels and ran events in the lead up to the day. Staff, students and whānau jumped on board, supporting this good cause through becoming shavees, making donations and accessing needed resources to name just a few.

Our goal was set at $2500 which was felt to be a worthy challenge for a school and community our size. We have been blown away by the final total of $5744.81, which places us as the 9th school in the 2020 School Shave for a Cure New Zealand leaderboard - well done everyone in getting in behind Liam and this great cause.

Liam and Oxford Area School could not have achieved this without the following support. We'd like to thank the following - 

  • "Hellers NZ's Butcher" for supplying the sausages for our Sausage Sizzle
  • Rangiora "Pak'n'Save" for supplying the bread for our Sausage Sizzle
  • "Main Divide" and the "Sun Room", specifically Lisa, Rio and Katie for completing the shaves so professionally 
  • Our Year 13 students and staff for providing the baking and running our Bake Sale and Sausage Sizzle

Last, but not least, we'd like to thank our students who so bravely decided to become a shavee to show their support - 

Sonja Slemint, Year 6
Gracie Fattorini, Year 7
Tessa Baard, Year 8
Fynn Archbold, Year 8
Daniel Buxton, Year 9
Cole Stagg, Year 12
Jacob Nish, Year 12
Liam Bamford, Year 12