Hero photograph
Photo by Rachel Campbell

Year 5/6 Important Notices

Rachel Campbell —

The year is flying by and the rest of this term brings much excitement for our students.

Firstly a few reminders:

- Please ensure your child has the correct sport uniform, including black shorts for sport on Tuesday afternoons. 

- Some students have been selected for the Winter Tournament, which is on Friday 14th August (Postponement 21st August). We wish them all the best as they represent Oxford Area School.

- Please ensure your child has all the stationery they require. We have noticed many students not having pencils, pens and glue sticks.

- We are eating our lunch in the classroom at the moment before they go off to play. It is really helpful if students have all of their food in a lunchbox and bring a drink bottle each day.

* We need more help: Next Wednesday 12th August the pies, pizzas and lamingtons arrive at 12pm. We require more adult helpers to fill these orders. If you are able to help on Wednesday afternoon, please get in touch with one of us.

* All students who sold any pies, pizzas and lamingtons will need to pick their orders up after 3pm on Wednesday 12th August. The food will be fresh and chilled ready to go. Once again thank you so much for the huge effort that went into this fundraiser.

* Camp permission and health form: Please open the link below to give permission for your child to attend camp at Hanmer Springs on the 10th and 11th of September. If your child is not attending camp for any reason, please be in touch with your homeroom teacher ASAP as we need to confirm numbers.


* Our next topic focus is on Inventions. We have an exciting day trip organised for September 21st. We will be going to Christchurch by bus and attending two educational sessions, one at Rutherford's Den and one at the Canterbury Museum. There is no cost for the students to attend this day and we will be seeking some keen parent helpers for this trip closer to the time.

* On the 12th of November, starting at promptly at 6:00pm, we will be presenting our musical to families. We will begin to put this together a bit later on this term. Please pop this date in your diary. 

Once again, thanks so much for your continued support. We really do appreciate it.

Rachel, Julie, Kendra and Peter