Lesley Inch — Jun 24, 2021

We remind you of some important information regarding school attendance. Alongside effective teaching, attendance has the biggest in-school influence on student engagement and achievement.

“Every day matters; there is no safe level of non-attendance”. 

We take our responsibilities for student attendance seriously and work closely with families and whānau to help support regular attendance at school.

We want all our students to do well, and going to school every day is really important if children are to achieve at school.

Our school takes all the steps we can to improve attendance including our sustained focus on quality teaching practice, a localised curriculum and pastoral care.

We have high expectations for our students and we work with them, families and whānau to ensure they are engaged and actively involved at school.

While we have strategies for addressing poor attendance tackling this issue is not done in isolation.

We work with families and whānau and support them to be actively involved in supporting their children’s learning

We also seek support from the Ministry of Education and a number of agencies such as attendance service, social and health services and police, and together we work through what issues are preventing a child from attending school. 

Notify the School of Absence

Parents and guardians also have legal obligations to ensure their children attend school. The school expects parents to:

Leaving school during the day

Students may not leave the school during school hours except by special arrangement – for example, a parent request (verbal or written) for the student to attend a medical appointment. The student must sign out at the office. If returning to school the student must sign back in at the office, thank you. 

Thank you for your support around attendance. Every day matters.