Hero photograph

Health Centre Mural

Ross Marwick —

Recently the Oxford Community Health Centre approached the school to design and paint a mural to go on a wall opposite the windows of their waiting room.

The Year 9/10 Art "B" class has been working on this project this term and recently submitted their designs to Richelle Jorgensen the Health Centre Manager and gained an enthusiastic approval and go ahead.

The designs are based around the Four Seasons and the themes of Health and Community. The students have worked in four groups. Jada Henderson and Lucy Edwards have led the group working on Autumn. McKenzie Stubbs and Brandon Lee have led the group working on Spring. Jordan Galway and Paige Packham have led the group working on Winter and Janey Lesley and Casey Anderson have led the Summer group.The boards are now all undercoated and ready to go, so the students will be working on transferring their designs and completing the painting during the next few weeks and into next term.