Hero photograph
Photo by Sharyn Varcoe

School Uniform

Sharyn Varcoe —

Does your child have the correct school uniform?

Non-regulation items, especially tops, have reappeared over the last couple of weeks. Your child should be in correct school uniform everyday. If an item cannot be worn temporarily, for example it has been damaged, then you need to write a signed, dated note outlining the reason which your child can give to their teacher. If your young person is in Years 9-13, this note should go to either their Dean Miss Paula Christensen or their DP, Ms Sharyn Varcoe so they may receive a temporary uniform pass. No pass means the item cannot be worn.

There are some items available in our secondhand uniform shop. Please just call the school office between 8.30 and 3.00 for more information about this. 

We will support families with financial hardship to ensure their son/daughter is in the correct uniform. Just give the school a call to discuss this further. 

We ask for your support as parents/caregivers to ensure your son/daughter leaves for school in the correct uniform. 

Don’t forget to name your clothing - every year we end with a number of lost property bins with copious amounts of unnamed uniform items. These items if unclaimed by the end of the year are washed and used to support other students into the correct uniform.

Oxford Area School uniform information - http://www.oxford.school.nz/uniform.html

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