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Cuppa with the Leadership Team

Mike Hart —

Friday's at 9 am in the staff room - please note Friday 13th April 2018 will be at 10am.

We are continuing this year with our weekly cuppa's and have changed the day to Friday morning. These sessions are an opportunity to discuss a particular topic, to gain feedback and gather new ideas.

This term our topics include:

  • 1st March - What do we want to see on our school reports?
  • 9th March - Ideas on collecting parent voice
  • 16th March - How do we give additional emotional, social and physical support to students?
  • 23rd March - How do we use Aotahi (year 5-13) effectively
  • 6th April - How to use the tools/apps we use to connect with parents (practical session)
  • 13th April - What learning opportunities we offer in years 7-13? This will be at 10:00am - after the end of term assembly.

Hope to see you there!