Health and Well-Being


Last year PNGHS introduced a new level 3 class called Health and Well-Being.

The students study level 3 achievement standards and the course is university approved. Part of this course includes improving student well-being, giving the student knowledge and skills to help themselves in stressful situations, periods of anxiety and the power of positivity. The students are also taught mindfulness.

If you have an interest in this area, for example are a holistic healer, are a health practitioner or similar please contact me as we are looking for visitors to the class.

We are also interested to hear peoples health perspectives on any of the following;
Volunteering in the community, experiences of depression, addiction or fertility treatment.

Similarly if you have strong views on the following; immunisation, euthanasia or organ donation or other health issues and would be willing to speak about your views constructively to a small group of students please contact me.

Vanessa Taylor