

Please see results below:

NZ International Biology Olympiad

The NZ International Biology Olympiad programme brings together senior biology students from around New Zealand to study biology, attend a training and selection camp, work with like-minded scientists and ultimately compete for four places to form the NZ Olympic team in Biology.

In March, Y13 student Hannah Fletcher, was one of 24 students selected from more than 230 students nationally to attend the 2020 NZ International Biology Olympiad selection and training camp to have been held in April. To gain this Silver award, Hannah spent over six months completing first year level online Biology tutorials then sitting a rigorous exam.

The process of training and selecting the NZIBO team to go to Portugal in July 2021 started in August, with a selection exam that tested student’s thinking skills, ability to interpret information and knowledge of Biology. Nine PNGHS tauira attempted the exam and seven students have gained a Bronze award and entry into the NZIBO tutorial programme:

Mia Abernethy (Y9), Ariana Hansen (Y11), Olivia Harding (Y12), Lara Harjes (Y11), Van Nguyen (Y12) and Fallon Roy (Y12). Mira Odom (Y12) was also selected as she had been in the 2020 tutorial programme in Y11. Congratulations! Students wanting more information about NZIBO should contact Dr Meikle.

Education Perfect World Championships

Online, PNGHS students have answered thousands of questions in the Humanities, Science and Maths week long Education Perfect World Championships to test their knowledge and compete for awards against students in other secondary schools from around the world. They have excelled! Special thanks to Catherine Orr who encouraged student participation.

Table 1: PNGHS Education Perfect World Championship results

Competition - Humanities

NZ Placing - 3rd (415 schools)

Global Placing - 4th (1664 schools), questions answered 106,487, 26 Awards 

Competition - Sciences

NZ Placing - 7th (313 schools)

Global Placing - 25th (1894 schools), questions answered 132,343, 31 Awards

Competition - Maths

NZ Placing - 32nd (494 schools), questions answered 69,028, 17 Awards

Of special mention are the Emerald and Gold winners:

Humanities - Rebekah Murphy and Alicia Robinson
Maths - Elite Tang, Annie Zhang, Noura Abbas and Kim Schalk
Science - Van Nguyen and Alicia Robinson

Humanities - Jenny Song, Dipansy Patel, Wendy Zhang and Amy Pereira
Science - Elite Tang, Anna Li, Rebekah Murphy, Dipansy Patel, Jenny Song, Karylle Dacanay, Noura Abbas, Akshara Satheesh, Amy Pereira and Wendy Zhang
Maths - Jenny Song and Esther Steer