Hero photograph
School Canteen menu
Photo by PNGHS

School Canteen changes 2021


At the end of 2020 we said farewell to Mrs Billie Rountree and her team after 15yrs of outstanding service here at PNGHS. We wish Mrs Rountree and her team all the best for the future.

We wish to welcome The Libelle Group Champion Tuckshops to PNGHS from Term 1 2021. You can learn more about Libelle by checking out their website www.libelle.co.nz/chamion tuckshops.html

The Libelle Group have designed an “Eat Smart” menu specifically for students and update it regularly. They offer a broad spectrum of freshly made hot and cold food solutions in appropriate sustainable packaging.

In the next couple of weeks we will have online ordering via www.lunchorders.co.nz so watch this space for more updates. Early feedback from students and staff is really positive. Here is a current blackboard menu example of the daily freshly made food.