Teens and Vaping

Papamoa College —

The role of schools is to empower students to make informed decisions on vaping by engaging them with the facts.

This 2020 Article by Newshub says research by Auckland University showed Vaping is not at the 'epidemic' levels some schools had felt existed. However, they still reported that over a third (37.3 %) of the students surveyed had tried vaping, compared to only 19.6% who'd tried traditional cigarettes. 

Ministry of Health advice is that vaping is not for young people. Whilst it can help people quit smoking, if you don’t smoke don’t vape. Their website Vaping Facts has easy to understand information about vaping, and the most up-to-date, relevant research about vaping and smoking in New Zealand.

The Te Hiringa Hauora (Health Protection Agency) website also offers parents this useful advice on "How to Talk to Young People About Vaping".