Hero photograph

Daffidol Day

Mrs Jaki Lee - Teacher —

Leo Club members carried out fundraising for Daffodil Day in Week Three of Term Four.

The Pāpāmoa College Leos Club had organised a special event week to raise funds for the NZ Cancer Society before the 29 August, the official Daffodil Day. However the prior to their event the country went into lockdown. 

The Leos Club decided to run the fundraising event later, once school had settled back in.

The Leos took turns manning a desk to exchange stickers, flowers and ribbons for donations to the NZ Cancer Society. Initially one of the Leos thought her field of daffodils might last long enough to deliver fresh daffodils to students on Friday, unfortunately, they didn’t last. Instead, the Leos fashioned yellow tissue paper and a flake mini bar into a “daffodil” and these were delivered along with a card that featured a pun related to daffodils to lucky recipients on Friday. 

In total, including funds raised by the Leos through other efforts, they were able to donate over $440 to the NZ Cancer Society.