Hero photograph


Papamoa College —

We hope you and your child have started the school year well.

Below is information regarding the main communication channels that we use:

Located at the front of the school
Hours: 8am - 4pm Monday - Friday

Student Services
Located down from Reception (It may be best to ask for directions at Reception)
Hours: 8am - 4pm Monday - Friday

School Phone 07 542 0676
School Fax 07 542 9069

Lost Property
If your child has misplaced something at school they can check lost property box, which is located outside Student Services. If they misplace items while on a school camp/trip or activity they should check with the teacher that took them. Please ensure your child's belongings are clearly named.

Helpful Emails

Helpful Links/Sites
Papamoa College Website
Papamoa College Facebook
Papamoa College Sport Facebook
Papamoa College Connect Newsletters

The Connect will be emailed out to parents and caregivers each month and can also be found on our Facebook page or the link here to our website.

Parent Portal
The Parent Portal allows you to have instant access to daily notices, the calendar, your child's timetable, attendance and any achievement reports. You will need a specific login and password that has already been sent to you. Please let us know if you haven't yet received this.