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Board Elections

Pāpāmoa College —

Board Elections are coming up in September this year..... Are you interested in becoming a member of the Pāpāmoa College Board?

Why join a school board?

School board members are active leaders in our schools. They have an important role of supporting strong professional leadership and ensuring effective teaching for all students through informed governance.

Parents/caregivers and people in the wider community can be parent representatives. School boards need to represent the diversity of their school communities to ensure a bright future for all our children.

The school board elections are the opportunity to vote for candidates who will make a positive difference for children’s education. We need more people willing to use their skills and experiences for the benefit of students!

"Board members are entrusted by the community to ensure the success of our schools and a bright future for our children. We need an education system where all children are expected to succeed and one where we all take shared responsibility in ensuring this happens. As a member of a school board you can make things happen - you can make a difference."

- Lorraine Kerr, NZSTA President

What sort of skills do board members need?

Every board member brings their own unique set of skills and experiences to the board.

As a member of your school's board, you will need to work well in a team and have good communication skills. It can help to have an understanding of the education sector. You may have financial skills and experience in managing people, knowledge and understanding of particular communities within your school, or experience working within your school and wider communities.

Every school board member is well-supported by NZSTA’s range of learning and development opportunities, our Advisory and Support Centre and our regionally based team of advisors.

2022 Elections timetable:

Call for Nominations by: Friday 15 July
Nominations close: Wednesday 3 August
Voting Papers sent out by: Wednesday 10 August
Voting closes: Wednesday 7 September

By Friday 15 July you will have nomination forms emailed to you.