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First X1 Girls Cricket

First XI Girls Cricket

Mrs Jenna Mackay - Year 9 Dean / AWA Commons Leader —

On Tuesday 7 March our Pāpāmoa College First Xl Girls Cricket team played in the Gillette Venus Cup vs Mount Maunganui College at Gordon Spratt Reserve.

We bowled first, opening with Maddison Wise Y11 and Ashlee Irving Y9. Kate Jury Y9 and Sian Liddle Y9 were rewarded with a wicket each! There was also an epic run-out by Maddison Wise. 

Mount put down 118, and we were up for the challenge! Our highest-scoring batter was Maddison Wise with 17 runs not out. Our girls can be proud of the 67 runs that they put on the board! 

A stunning day at the oval! Thanks to all the parents who came down to support our wāhine.