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Music Lessons at Papamoa College

Mrs Katrina Daniela - Curriculum Leader Music —

We are seeking expressions of interest for music lessons in 2022.

We have two types of music lessons at the college, Itinerant and Private.

These lessons have government funding. We have a limited number of hours available for these lessons. Students doing Music as an option (Years 10-13) will have first priority as they require these for their course requirements. Priority is then given to those students who have already been learning for 6 months or more. Note, Itinerant lessons do not allow for individual lessons. Students that cannot be accommodated in Itinerant lessons will have the option of participating in the Private lessons.

Private Music lessons 
These are a small group or individual lessons offered by private teachers (all who of which also teach our Itinerant lessons). These lessons are offered at a low cost around $80 per term (equating to just $8.00 per lesson for group lessons and $25 for an individual lesson). Students undertaking Private lessons will gain priority for Itinerant lessons the following year.

If your child is interested in learning / continuing to learn an instrument or voice at Papamoa College in 2022, please complete this expression of interest form. This does not guarantee a place but indicates interest and allows us to send further information home prior to the school year and in Week One of 2022.

Students and parents/caregivers will then be required to attend an information evening early in Term 1 where forms will be completed and expectations and requirements of being in lessons will be outlined.

Students must commit to lessons for the year for Itinerant lessons and for a term for Private lessons, so this is a decision you need to make carefully. 

If you have any questions, please email Mrs K Daniela.

E | kdaniela@papamoacollege.school.nz