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Swimming Sports

PC Sports —

The College Swimming Sports were held at Baywave on Wednesday 18 May. Congratulations to all the prize winners.

Overall Champions for 2022:

Year 7 Girls- Charlotte Silvester
Year 7 Boys- William Chugg

Year 8 Girls - Valencia Nguyen-Morrison
Year 8 Boys- Max Stevenson

JNR Girls - Amelie Pearson (Y10)
JNR Boys -Flynn Beattie (Y9)

INT Girls - Paikea Cecil (Y11)
INT Boys - Corban Minchin (Y10)

SNR Girls - Morgan Edwards (Y13)
SNR Boys -Harrison Beattie (Y12)

LMS Commons: 1st Puke, 2nd Tahuna, 3rd Tatahi

UMS Commons: 1st Awa, 2nd Motu, 3rd Wairakei 

Special thank you to all the staff and parents who assisted on the day.