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Attendance Officers

Trouble getting kids to school?

Mr Christopher Parsons - Attendance Officer —

Truancy, wagging or skipping school is a serious issue. Your child is less likely to succeed at school and more likely to leave without the education and qualifications they need to do well in life.

Our achievement data shows that students who attend school regularly, achieve better results and engagement in school;

Through looking at our NCEA data, there is a clear link between attendance and achievement. Students who attend over 80% of the time achieve NCEA at the rate of 87-100%. This drops to 44% achievement if they miss the equivalent of three days a fortnight. 

Please support your child to be at school all day, every day so that we can all push for success.

If you are having trouble getting your child to attend school here is some practical advice from the Ministry of Education for parents.

It is important to talk to your child's teacher immediately so we can devise some strategies to get your child back on track as quickly as possible. Should absenteeism become an ongoing issue your child may be referred to Attendance Services.

Attendance Services

The Attendance Service is a national service. The Ministry contracts providers to deliver the service throughout New Zealand.

We aim to support schools to:

  • effectively manage attendance
  • reduce unjustified absence rates and non-enrolment
  • reduce the time taken to return students to education.

The Attendance Services' vision is: 

Every student attending school every day, as a foundation for engagement in learning and achievement. 

Student attendance, along with effective teaching, has the greatest influence on student engagement and achievement.