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Pāpāmoa College


School eLibrary

Mrs Karen Manning - Librarian - February 7, 2023

The College eLibrary offers an extensive range of Digital audiobooks and Ebooks for students to enjoy.

Here is the link for the Papamoa College eLibrary

Students can also access the library through the Wheeler Books App on Apple or Google Play.

All of our library books now offer an 'Immersive Reader' audio function. Simply borrow a book online, select 'Read', go to a text page, then click the 'Immersive Reader' logo in the top toolbar, a play button with speed settings will appear at the bottom of the page:

Immersive Reader Icon

Within Immersive Reader, you can also click on the Reading Preferences Icon to translate words (or the entire document) into over 125 different languages!

Happy Listening and/or Reading!