Hero photograph
Photo by Alisha Evans -Weekend Sun

Songwriting Competition Finalists

Mrs Katrina Daniela - Curriculum Leader Music —

Congratulations to Markus Mostert Y12, Saskia Gesthuizen Y12, Summer Tocher Y9, and Jasmine Tocher Y8, who have all been selected as finalists for the 'Play It Strange' Songwriting Competition!

The 'Play it Strange' Lions Foundation Songwriting Competition is a National Secondary Schools competition that has been running for 15 years. This competition celebrates and embraces the voice of our youth through song.

All the finalists received a signed certificate, a $50  Rockshop voucher and a day in a professional recording studio to the value of $750 to record the song entered. Their songs will also be mastered for the annual Play it Strange album, available for download on all platforms.

See this article in the Weekend Sun for interviews with our talented winners.

Many thanks to Mr Kurt Sommerville, our itinerant music teacher, who worked with our songwriters. We had three successful entries out of the ten entries from our school and some pretty cool songs.